Upgrade Guide

Upgrading to 9.0+

Minimum requirements

  • requires python 3.9+

  • django 4.2 and 5.0+ are supported

Type hints

django-structlog now uses python type hints and is being validated with mypy --strict.

For drf-standardized-errors users

Now unhandled exceptions when using drf-standardized-errors will be intercepted and the exception logged properly.

If you also use structlog-sentry, the exception will now be propagated as expected.

Other libraries alike may be affected by this change.

Internal changes in how RequestMiddleware handles exceptions

This only affects you if you implemented a middleware inheriting from RequestMiddleware and you overrided the process_exception method.

Did you?

If so:

  • RequestMiddleware.process_exception was renamed to RequestMiddleware._process_exception, you should to the same in the middleware.

Upgrading to 8.0+

A new keyword argument log_kwargs was added to the the optional signals:
  • django_structlog.signals.bind_extra_request_metadata;

  • django_structlog.signals.bind_extra_request_finished_metadata;

  • django_structlog.signals.bind_extra_request_failed_metadata.

It should not affect you if you have a **kwargs in the signature of your receivers.

log_kwargs is a dictionary containing the log metadata that will be added to their respective logs ("request_started", "request_finished", "request_failed").

If you use any of these signals, you may need to update your receiver to accept this new argument:

from django.contrib.sites.shortcuts import get_current_site
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django_structlog import signals
import structlog

def my_receiver(request, logger, log_kwargs, **kwargs): # <- add `log_kwargs` if necessary

def my_receiver_finished(request, logger, response, log_kwargs, **kwargs): # <- add `log_kwargs` if necessary

def my_receiver_failed(request, logger, exception, log_kwargs, **kwargs): # <- add `log_kwargs` if necessary

Upgrading to 7.0+

The dependency django-ipware was upgraded to version 6. This library is used to retrieve the request’s ip address.

Version 6 may have some breaking changes if you did customizations.

It should not affect most of the users but if you did some customizations, you might need to update your configurations.

Upgrading to 6.0+

Minimum requirements

  • requires python 3.8+

Changes to do

Add django_structlog to installed app

    # ...
    # ...

Make sure you use django_structlog.middlewares.RequestMiddleware

If you used any of the experimental async or sync middlewares, you do not need to anymore. Make sure you use django_structlog.middlewares.RequestMiddleware instead of any of the other request middlewares commented below:

    # "django_structlog.middlewares.request_middleware_router", # <- remove
    # "django_structlog.middlewares.requests.SyncRequestMiddleware", # <- remove
    # "django_structlog.middlewares.requests.AsyncRequestMiddleware", # <- remove
    "django_structlog.middlewares.RequestMiddleware", # <- make sure you use this one

(If you use celery) Make sure you use DJANGO_STRUCTLOG_CELERY_ENABLED = True

It is only applicable if you use celery integration.

django_structlog.middlewares.CeleryMiddleware has been remove in favor of a django settings.

    # "django_structlog.middlewares.CeleryMiddleware",  # <- remove this


Upgrading to 5.0+

Minimum requirements

  • requires asgiref 3.6+

Upgrading to 4.0+

django-structlog drops support of django below 3.2.

Minimum requirements

  • requires django 3.2+

  • requires python 3.7+

  • requires structlog 21.4.0+

  • (optionally) requires celery 5.1+

Changes if you use celery

You can now install django-structlog explicitly with celery extra in order to validate the compatibility with your version of celery.


See Installing “Extras” for more information about this pip feature.

Upgrading to 3.0+

django-structlog now use structlog.contextvars.bind_contextvars instead of threadlocal.

Minimum requirements

  • requires python 3.7+

  • requires structlog 21.4.0+

Changes you need to do

1. Update structlog settings

  • add structlog.contextvars.merge_contextvars as first processors

  • remove context_class=structlog.threadlocal.wrap_dict(dict),

  • (if you use standard loggers) add structlog.contextvars.merge_contextvars in foreign_pre_chain

  • (if you use standard loggers) remove django_structlog.processors.inject_context_dict,

        structlog.contextvars.merge_contextvars, # <---- add this
    # context_class=structlog.threadlocal.wrap_dict(dict), # <---- remove this

# If you use standard logging
    "version": 1,
    "disable_existing_loggers": False,
    "formatters": {
        "json_formatter": {
            "()": structlog.stdlib.ProcessorFormatter,
            "processor": structlog.processors.JSONRenderer(),
            "foreign_pre_chain": [
                structlog.contextvars.merge_contextvars, # <---- add this
                # django_structlog.processors.inject_context_dict, # <---- remove this

2. Replace all logger.bind with structlog.contextvars.bind_contextvars

def bind_domain(request, logger, **kwargs):
    current_site = get_current_site(request)
    # logger.bind(domain=current_site.domain)

Upgrading to 2.0+

django-structlog was originally developed using the debug configuration ExceptionPrettyPrinter which led to incorrect handling of exception.

  • remove structlog.processors.ExceptionPrettyPrinter(), of your processors.

  • make sure you have structlog.processors.format_exc_info, in your processors if you want appropriate exception logging.